Thursday, January 6, 2022

~ Cowboy ~

You say I'm a cowboy; like I should be ashamed Well; I'm here to tell you, that I proudly carry the name. 
I respect my elders, open doors and say sir or ma'am That's what my parents taught me; so that's the way I am. 
I was taught a prayer; before a meal, should not be forgot, and I support our troops, whether I believe in the war or not. 
One nation under God is how we should be known and prayer; I believe, in school it does belong. 
My money should say In God We Trust, for that's what was intended. We should quit being politically correct; for its God we keep offending. 
So, call me a cowboy and act as if it's a disgrace but when I go to bed at night; God smiles upon my face. 

 [Ron L Willis] 

Cowboys 4 Christ

1 Thessalonians 5:18 ... In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.