Tuesday, May 17, 2022


We have an intimacy problem. I’m convinced one of the most severe consequences of sin is the ability to experience open intimacy. It’s why many marriages suffer creeping separateness. It’s the same reason many go to church their entire lives yet don’t know God or His intimate voice. Closed hearted marriages, closed hearted church attendees, closed hearted relationships to both people and to God. 

I still marvel that I spent 20 years attending Church and had virtually no intimacy with God. No one had ever really taught me how to connect or recognize His voice and His loving presence. My preoccupied compromised desires and sins left me fragmented and closed off from the beautiful gift of true intimacy with my wife at the time, God and other relationships. God is after the quality of our love, which comes from a pure heart, from a clear conscience and from a sincere faith. This comes in a greater degree when we repent of defiling sin and the lies that separate us from experiencing intimacy with True Love(God). 

Sin taints the quality of our connection to God, our spouse and others by distorting our motives and desires. Often, many of us get stuck in a closed off ‘protection mode’ because of past wounds. We need the healing hug of intimacy. True intimacy. The greatest part about the gospel, and in my opinion, the deeper meaning of it is that Jesus came, died and rose, not so much that we would attend church every week, but to restore each one of us back into intimacy with True Love.  Daily, moment by moment. To be closed is to be in a posture of resisting that True Love. 

Repentance is an exchange program where we give up anything that blocks, breaks or defiles true intimacy with God. Repentance is the main requirement for this heavenly miracle. Jesus is the safest place to open up and give our full heart because His love is pure with no shadow of turning. He will never hurt you, leave you or forsake you. But we must open to His hug to experience this miracle of true intimacy and restoration to healthy function. From this point, He is able to heal us from the inside out and make us true lovers of people. Leading others to the same heavenly experience. 

That’s the true gospel. 

 [Troi Nelson Cockayne]
