Monday, June 24, 2024


Nebuchadnezzar had "walked in pride," and been abased for it below the most contemptible of men. As secure as he had imagined himself from any calamity, God had inflicted in a moment a punishment, which might well deter all who heard of it from the commission of a similar offence. God is never at a loss for means to accomplish His righteous will! In the judgment inflicted on this haughty monarch, God has sufficiently shown, that He is both able and determined to "abase all who walk in pride." 

Now this consideration is of infinite importance, not to kings only, but to all the human races. Pride is natural to man. There is not a more powerful principle in our fallen nature, than pride. The ungodly world is full of it. There is not any distinction, natural or acquired, which is not made an occasion of self-exaltation and self-delight. If a man is born of high parentage or has acquired rank or fortune by his own exertions, how will he be puffed up with his honors, and almost imagine himself to be made of a finer clay than others! 

"My might and my wisdom have procured all these things for me!" Nor is this confined to the ungodly. There are among those who profess godliness, many, who are as full of pride and conceit as those who are altogether ignorant of saving religion. Some, like the Pharisee in the Gospel, "trust in themselves that they are righteous, and despise others." They say in their hearts, "Stand by yourself; do not come near to me! I am holier than you." Of these God says, "They are smoke in My nostrils!" (Isaiah 65:5) 

Others, like Diotrephes, "love to have the pre-eminence;" and are never so happy as when they are setting forth their accomplishments, and passing judgment upon all that they see and hear. Self-admiration, self-conceit, self-seeking, and self-promotion are their characteristic features. Not a few, it is to be feared, "being lifted up with pride, fall into the condemnation of the devil." (1 Timothy 3:6) 

Even truly godly men are by no means so holy, but that they are in continual danger of being drawn into the indulgence of this evil principle.  Hezekiah, even after his most extraordinary deliverances from enemies without, and illness within so far forgot himself as to be lifted up with pride; and thereby provoked God to withdraw from his descendants the mercies that had been given to him. Paul himself was visited with a thorn in his flesh, to keep him humble, "lest he should be exalted above measure!" (2 Corinthians 12:7) 

Be it known then to all, that they need to watch and pray against this malignant evil; for God will surely abase all in whom it is found. Some, like Manasseh, God will put a hook into his nose, bind him in bronze shackles, and take him into captivity. Others, like Peter, God will leave to fall, and to disgrace their holy profession. Others, like Pharaoh or Herod, God will plunge into the bottomless abyss of Hell! Let us never then forget, that "the proud in heart are an abomination to the Lord!" "I hate pride and arrogance!" (Proverbs 8:13) "The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished!" (Proverbs 16:5)  

Those who are under the influence of the sin of pride, always find means to hide it from their own eyes. But it is to no purpose to deceive ourself, as God will not be imposed upon. He sees the pride, wherever it exists, and He hates it with a perfect hatred! Let us then endeavor to find out even the most hidden workings of this abominable evil and implore help from God to mortify and subdue it! 

[Charles Simeon] 

Daniel 4:37 ... Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase.
